Teleflora florist Cape Town, South Africa - send and deliver flowers Special Occasions florist
Nation- and world wide flower delivery via Teleflora South Africa


Teleflora South Africa flower delivery - deliver flowers, sending flowers world wide


Teleflora South Africa is a flower relay company that handles the day to day processing and transmission of orders for flowers throughout the world via its extensive network of highly qualified and dedicated florists. Teleflora South Africa is affiliated with Teleflora International Ltd, which is an international body consisting of members throughout the world, thus giving Teleflora access to approximately 70,000 florist shops to send and deliver flowers worldwide. 

National and international orders are accepted online from our South African catalogue(click on the "Home" button to access this page), from where the catalogues for the United Kingdom, the USA, Europe, the rest of Africa and Australia and New Zealand can also be accessed. Deliveries of flowers outside of our own delivery area in Cape Town (South Africa) will be relayed to a selected florist in the world-wide network.

We guarantee satisfaction with every order. If you send flowers via Teleflora South Africa and are not completely satisfied with the delivered product, please do not hesitate to contact us. We offer the same product replacement or money-back guarantee even if we did not deliver the flowers ourselves. With a network of qualified florists committed to deliver only the freshest and professionally designed bouquets, you can send flowers with confidence via a member in the Teleflora South Africa network. 

Order online from our website to send and deliver flowers in Cape Town, or for flower delivery world wide via a Cape Town florist in the South African network.